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Jahn Ballard supports senior leaders in enterprises to systematically close the shortfalls in the planning-to-performance gaps that have long plagued executive leadership. 

Concerned about the gap between business goals and business performance? Jahn helps senior management teams to become more effective in deploying business strategies and improving critical business processes.

Jahn Ballard

High Performance Strategy Deployment, Cash Flow Improvement Facilitator, Guidance for KPI Selection

Mastering Leadership Alignment


Mastering Leadership Alignment

Linking Value Creation to Cash Flow

In his book entitled Mastering Leadership Alignment: Linking Value Creation to Cash Flow (MLA), Jahn reveals the CashCommand™ methodology through 10 specific real-world client cases from 2001-12 with the prime case study at Maryland Association of CPAs.


The MACPA case reveals how a few focused activity and cash measures unite into a whole system with a prioritized map that makes sense to everyone because it clearly reveals the totality of the relevant facts of financial transactions and activity transactions in any given period.

Jahn Ballard is currently accepting new projects at Vanguard Resource Group.

Users of Jahn Ballard's CashCommand™ tools & methods have experienced improvements in operating cash flow at 3-10 times better realized in the first 12 to 18 months after implementation. The CashCommand™ approach has since evolved by being applied in over 90 engagements - startups, investment advisory firms, community benefit organizations and companies from under $1 million to $90 million in revenues, and taught to 1,000 CFOs, Controllers & CPAs. Jahn loves doing short, hands-on demos of the Cash Command’s executive finance approach. Short senior leader coaching sessions use simple templates that create immediate value, which grows inexorably. As iterations of this ‘organized mining of tacit knowledge’ build up over time, an ever more accurate and useful business pattern language is collaboratively created and used.  For more information, contact Jahn directly.


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Jahn Ballard

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